Week 2-St. George Marathon Training

How am I already two weeks in? I feel like this particular training is going to fly by–as it seems like these miles I’m running are, lol!

Monday, June 12th–6 miles; 2 miles WU, 3×1 mile @7:40 (w/1:30R), 1 mile CD

I was a little worried about these as I haven’t been running all that fast in a while and it was the day after we’d just gotten back from Mexico. I know I can hit those paces, but the little negative Nancy in my brain likes to start yapping every once in a while.

But luckily, once I got going, it all came back to me and I was fine.


My coach is really strict on having these be close to goal (and not faster) so when I saw the first mile split, I intentionally slowed down–and kept looking at my watch–to make sure I was closer to where I was supposed to be.

Tuesday, June 13th–4 Easy Miles, 9:10 avg.

This is technically supposed to be a cross training day, but my brother (who just moved back to Arizona!) wanted to run in the morning so we both met up with my run club and I ran some easy miles. I’d much rather do that than bike, lol!

That evening, I got my butt on the floor and did some core strength and glute exercises.

Wednesday, June 14th–12 Miles Indoor Bike

I did more swapping as today was supposed to be speed work day, but I got on the bike instead and moved the fast stuff to tomorrow. This is what happens when my coach goes on vacation. Even though I know she’s going to see everything I do anyway, I still think it’s easy to switch stuff around since she’s not here, LOL.

Thursday, June 15th–5 Miles Speed work; 1 Mile WU, 2×800(w/2:00R), 1,000m(w/2:15R), 1200m (w/2:30R) all at 7:00 pace, 1 Mile CD

Anyone else write their workout on their hand?

I enlisted the help of my husband for this workout that terrified me. There was a lot of some yelling involved, but I did it!! I was on a super high the rest of the day ๐Ÿ˜€

2×800–> 6:55, 6:54


Friday, June 16th–Rest Day

This was unintentional. I planned on “sleeping in” and getting my easy four miles in around 6 a.m. (which is sleeping in for me) but alas, I really did sleep in and woke up past 7. I could’ve still squeezed in the miles, even though by that time here it’s hot, but I opted for coffee and a bagel instead.

Saturday, June 17th–13 miles with last 3, fast 3, 8:32 avg.; 12 miles spinย 

Plus, I knew today would be a long day so the resting Friday helped, lol! I met up with some of my Believe Train Become teammates and we nailed our long run ๐Ÿ˜€

Fast Finish!


A few hours later, I went to my first CycleBar class to support a blogging buddy on his new job adventure. I got in a sweaty, intense 12 miles on the bike–I’ll have a full report on this fun experience later.

Sunday, June 18th–Rest Day

I thought about “making up” those lost 4 miles, but nope! We had a fun Father’s Day celebrating my husband instead โค


28 Running Miles, 24 Biking Miles

All in all, it was a great training week. I finally feel like I’m hitting a groove and getting into the “all-in” marathon training mentality. I know that it’s still the beginning, and we’re still in the honeymoon stage, but I’m happy that I’m feeling happy about training right now ๐Ÿ˜€

–Do you get scared of paces you’ve done before and know you can do?

–Does running with faster people help you? Or would you rather tackle fast runs on your own?ย 




Growing up, I used to watch Mexican soap operas. And I loved that each novela would have a grand finale. It wouldn’t go on and on and on like American soap operas. (How long has General Hospital been on?) Of course there were times that I’d get sad when a novela would end–it was so good! But I appreciated the fact that they would give the viewer closure by having an end.

I *loved* watching this actress growing up ๐Ÿ˜€

What does this all have to do with running?

I don’t want BQ training to be my General Hospital.ย 

While I love training, and get legitimately sad when it’s over, I reeeally don’t want training to Boston Qualify to be never-ending. Please Lord let there be an end (and with good results LOL)!!

I’m always excited to start a new training cycle and I’m excited this time too, but…

REAL TALK: Sometimes I wish that BQ training could’ve been a continuation of NYC Marathon training–I felt so confident andย in it then. I honestly think it was because I knew deep down inside I could get my sub 4 hour goal, despite it requiring a 45 minute improvement. I wasn’t scared of the “end” of that cycle. I was excited. I knew I could reach my goal.

I take comfort in the “known” which is why I think this particular training cycle scares me so much. I don’t know if I can reach my goal.ย I don’t know when this BQ training cycle will end. That confidence I had going into and training for NYC Marathon is not here with this BQ training. I’m trying. I really am–to be optimistic, and tell myself that with hard work and commitment it can be possible. But the high expectations of this particular end is both exciting and terrifying.

Does that make sense? Does any of this make sense?

I love challenge. I love taking risks. I even like being scared. As far as running is concerned, this will be my biggest challenge, my biggest risk, and the scariest thing I’ve ever attempted.

Here’s hoping it doesn’t become a never-ending training cycle! ๐Ÿ˜€